Blog tasks: Daily Mirror case study

 1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages:

Masthead:The title block of the newspaper
Pug:Something to catch the readers attention
Splash Head:The lead story on the newspaper
Slogan:Sums up the ethos of the newspaper
Dateline:The date the newspaper was published
Kicker:Story at the top of the newspaper
Byline:Gives the name of the article writer

2) How much does a copy of the Daily Mirror cost?
It costs 90p

3) What are the main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror (see above)?
No MMR Jab, no school and the rift between Prince Harry and Prince William

4) Why is the choice of news stories on the Mirror CSP front page typical of a tabloid newspaper?
Because that is what intrigues their target audience

5) What is the balance on the Daily Mirror front page between images, headlines and text?
The newspaper is dominated by pictures rather than text which is the antithesis of The Times newspaper


1) What is the target audience for the Daily Mirror?
The social demographic from C1 and below because its affordable and the socialists

2) Why does the Mirror front page story appeal to the Daily Mirror audience?#

It is a mixture of hard and soft news and it covers all of the important news while making it interesting to read. The page is dominated by photos which appeals to the reader.

3) Why might a reader enjoy the Daily Mirror? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory to add detail to your answer.
It provides diversion from the range of stories it covers. Also entertainment from the soft news.

4) Why are print newspapers generally read by older audiences?

Because they are a form of traditional media and its what they are used to

5) How is the 'Wills and Harry royal rift' story on the double page spread constructed to appeal to Daily Mirror readers? 


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